Essential skin oils and their benefits

Essential skin oils
Essential skin oils and their benefits

By Clement  Obere (Fashion Lovers)

 Oils have  been essential for its various needs to the skin from fighting wrinkles to skin polishing and in most cases protection from adverse skin conditions. Below are some skin oils which we have put together to enhance your looks, be it as an additive to your main creams or as a stand alone ingredient, we have you covered.

1. Coconut oil: Our top pick on the list is the highly placed ,all natural coconut oil. It is of great essence because it is easily absorbed into the skin . It is rich in vitamin 
E and K, it also has very high  anti fungal and anti bacterial properties.

2. Olive Oil:  What has nature got to offer than this rich oil carved out from olives. Its rich anti oxidizing properties  makes it very essential for skin care. Apart from its fatty properties , it also contains trace elements  of  vitamin E and K which is just right for your skin.

3. Shea Butter:  The gift of the Karite tree seed comes with the  gift of the shea butter. Its application especially on the face helps to tone the skin. Other benefits include its anti inflammatory  properties which is just right for general skin function.

Health and beauty category
4. Almond oil: This comes from the Almond seed, its ability to  sooth soften and repair the skin  this long has made it a must have in the cabinet. It also aids hair growth .

5. Grape seed oil:  Its ability to penetrate your skin easily without  living your skin oily is what makes the grape skin oil stand out. it does not clog skin pores and is suitable for  oily skin.

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