Cloth care.
By Clement Obere (Fashion Lovers)
When it comes to an overall fashion outlook, having expensive clothes is just a part of the equation other factors play role or roles to give you that edgy look that makes a lot of eyes stare.
In a throw away generation where almost everything can be ordered has made a lot of these key concept go under the carpet.
So today, i shall throw more light on just one which is "Laundry".
The art of Laundry.
Washing your clothes should be the bloodline of every fashion conscious person.
You must know a lot about the type of clothes you buy, from silk to cotton etc. clothes combination while washing either by hand or by machine , the frequency of wash and finally , how you store them to make you more presentable next time you turn out.
1 .Frequency: Well you might never understand the frequency of how your clothes need to be washed until the weather gets hot. For a working class lady who is mostly on collared shirts, the most fatal thing is to be found with dirty collars or cuffs under any condition. So as a rule of thumb make sure you have a 10 day approach of neatly pressed shirts and a system in which you restock them to be on top of your game.
2.Undies: There is always that temptation of saying," oh i can manage it", "oh, its not smelling that bad "and other phrases you use to justify your behaviors. Change your under wears daily, and burn old ones at least every month. Have a system where you restock your undies once every month.
3.Jeans: "Its black oh nobody will know if it is dirty or not". yea, we have all been there. To keep colors from breaking of your jeans, sun every time you use your jeans and wash at least after the 5th wear.
4. Storage: A fashion conscious person must have at least 5 boxes,
A wardrobe, shoe rack, Mandatory, ironing kits consisting of an ironing board and a steam iron, if you cant provide develop a system where your laundry man will pick up your clothes .
5.Overall hygiene: Bath twice and brush twice, use deodorants and your signature perfs.
Little things matter on your way to becoming that style icon you dream of. Thank you for reading.
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