Dry cracked skin creams

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Dry cracked skin creams.

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 Adverse and unpleasant weather conditions have always been a nightmare for dry cracked skins. Our desires to sometimes find a solution sometimes makes the whole process even worse as most solutions sometimes are just marketers just trying to push their brands. So in today’s post we are going to look in depth into the basic compositions of creams made specifically for dry cracked skins, so let us get started.


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Shea Butter
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Jojoba oil

Before having a solution, there must be proper diagnosis. These can be found by having a trained dermatologist give the diagnosis or in most cases, independent assessment could be all you need to have a conclusion.

You must first understand the nature of the dryness, Is it around a specific region around your body, or entirely and other little assessments can help in the diagnosis. After that you are then empowered with this knowledge to go for a solution.

Other assessments to carry out include.

1.    Nutritional deficiencies: These is a factor that in most cases should not be overlooked because, sometimes the body is deficient in some minerals and vitamins like a deficiency in iron or maybe your body is not absorbing  your fats properly, your skin will be the reference point first for this lack and no amount of products will help in the long run so for people who can afford, you need a good dietician or an adjustment in what you consume.

2.    Infections:  If you have a fungal infection, moisturizers are really not going to stop the spread of the fungi, you need to consult with a doctor to get rid of it

3.    Eczema : An understanding sometimes of why your skin is prone to it is very important because  sometimes we have to understand  if it is skin  or genetic imbalance etc. So you can  come up with a proper treatment first before you go into finding a right solution for your skin dryness   

Cream composition for a dry cracked  skin.

From a scientifically point of view, there are three basic ingredients to look out for when shopping for a cream made for dry  cracked skin, they can be found separately or a combination of all three in one product. They include

  •          Ceramides
  •          SHEA BUTTER
  •          JOJOBA OIL

These above mentioned ingredients holds the solution but for now we will look closely into these key ingredients and what they really are . 

Jojoba oil: The skin naturally contains oils, and the part of the skin that controls oil  is called the Sebum  and it consists of Wax esters, Squalene, Cholesterol esters and what the jojoba oil does is to  naturally mimic the oily part of the skin. It is readily absorbed into the skin and is also light in nature on the skin.

Shea Butter:   I call these the barrier maker because shea butter contains fatty acid, Vitamin A and E which are essentially nourishing to the skin. Since it sits directly on the skin its barrier ability is important because it prevents your skin from losing things specifically hydration.

Ceramides: The  skin consist of 50% Ceramides. Its major role is to prevent hydration from leaving  the skin. So, if your skin is lacking ceramides you definitely must have to replenish it.

Till then, keep looking youthful and thanks for reading

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