Quality cloth guide.

Quality cloth guide

Quality cloth guide.

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 Shopping for quality clothes in the tech age has sometimes being a daunting task as our decisions are mostly guided by  visuals, but what really makes a cloth really stands out from the rest.

Does paying for high end brand guarantee quality goods, what nature of clothes should be sourced for, what finishing should be  done.  What do you look out in clothes, how do the embroidery stand out and whole lots of factors really come into play, not in just buying your clothes, but establishing a good personal and fashion sense. So today we shall look into the features that make a cloth quality.

Fabrics: Well so far fabrics are broadly classified into natural fibers and synthetic and I will always recommend natural fibers as it gives a lot of comfort when worn such include, cotton, silk, wool etc. But on the other hand, man-made fibers like polyester, nylon on the other hand are entirely not bad as it also has its strengths.


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Eco Fabric
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Silk Fabric

Cost: At what point should you  be paying more for a  fabric?  The answer to this lies based on taste of who wants it but when it comes  to polyesters, you should be paying much except for additional  features like water proof , performance fabrics etc. For other blends like cotton poly blend, you should really not be breaking the bank.
In the case of Natural fibers, you can pay more because linen is relatively expensive and blends like cotton-linen blends are worth paying a little bit more. So in other words, look at the fiber content as a guide next time you are shopping to justify your expenses.

Stitching: When it comes to this, a fabric might be nice, but stitching especially the ones at the neck are more visible as more and more people will tend to look at your face when talking. So stitching of any kind must be even, equal distance, equal pressure etc to give it a nice feel.

Hardware and closures:  This has to do with tipping closure like Aglets.  Aglets are those tiny enclosures at the end of your shoe lace. A little detailing to this especially on things like joggers eyc really adds quality to a cloth. Hooks well placed in a fabric also gives a lot of feel to a cloth. Things like zippers well placed in a fabric adds additional level of quality to a cloth

Decorations:  When it comes to decorations, my emphasis here is on embroidery as a major consideration here is that one should not be able to see the color of the fabric in the space between the embroidery.

So readers, they are other considerations out there based on taste and preference, but you can add this as a building block to guide you when stepping out next time for shopping.


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