hair problems

Hair Problems

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Hair problems

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Commonly experienced hair problems have led to most severe conditions that could have been averted if certain practices were carried out early enough.
There are numerous hair problems which we might have experienced or know someone that does experience it in one way or the other, they include, hair tangling, hair dryness and a host lot of others that we will discuss subsequently.

Hair tangling
This refers to, or happens when the tresses of the hair  do not have enough moisture locked in, as a result, becomes excessively dry.
Hair dryness
Hair dryness is a broad aspect. When it comes to hair dryness owing to the fact that its causes might vary from individual to individual.
Diverse opinions arises when it comes to hair dryness, but so far the remote cause of hair dryness can also be attributed to the gland responsible for secreting natural oil to the hair follicle.
The sebaceous gland secretes a mixture of fats, (triglycendes, wax esters, squalene and cholesterol) which is discharged as sebum through the sebaceous duct connecting the gland to the hair follicle.
Dryness of the human hair is subject to the sebaceous gland producing so much sebum  or under secreting lesser sebum.

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The role of essential oils in treating dry hairs

Essential oils also known as volatile oils , ethereal oils, aetheroleum or in simpler terms, oil from plants.

Essential Oils commonly used for the treatment of dry hair includes;

1. Coconut Oil.

2. Jojoba Oil.

3.Olive Oil

4. Tea tree.

5. Lvender.


7. Rosemary

8. Ginger.

9. Eucalyptus



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